
Nick Boldt is the Productization Lead (aka Release Engineer, Cat Herder) for Red Hat Developer Hub.

As a committer for numerous Eclipse projects and member of the Eclipse Planning Council, he's automated build processes, integrated web & build systems, and designed build tools to simply and streamline building, testing, and releasing project code. He led the Dash Athena project, whose goal had been to bring a common build infrastructure to Eclipse and to other open-source PDE-based project build environments; with the rise of Tycho, this project was no longer needed and has since evolved in a different direction.

A once-avid blogger, he has also contributed to the release engineering efforts for Eclipse projects such as GEF, PDT, VE, RSE, Dash, Web Tools.

With over 5 years' experience in automated Eclipse PDE build systems, Nick decided to depart IBM to pursue a new focus working at Red Hat - applying the lessons learned at Eclipse to the JBoss community and supporting a whole new type of release train.

After many years managing the JBoss Tools & Red Hat CodeReady Studio (aka JBoss Developer Studio) release train, Nick gained experience with Maven, Tycho, Ruby gems and node/gulp-based builds, assembled continuously using Jenkins and/or Travis CI servers. Those were heady times.

Then, Nick managed the Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces releases for several years, including contributing to the upstream Eclipse Che projects and their weekly CI releases.

When not at the console writing Bash, Groovy, yaml/json, or Python, Nick can be found outdoors rock climbing, cycling, running, surfing or stand-up paddle boarding around Halifax or Toronto.

Contact Info

Nick Boldt :: Red Hat
Productization Lead :: Red Hat Developer Hub
email: nickboldt, nboldt
instagram: nick.boldt
linkedin: nickboldt

ancient blogs from the wayback times: DivByZero, Cyclepathy